- Tampere University, Prof. Roope Raisamo
- Research staff: Ahmed Farooq, Antti Sand, Arto Hippula, Hanna Venesvirta, Ismo Rakkolainen, Jaakko Hakulinen, Prof. Markku Turunen, Oleg Spakov, Pertti Huuskonen, Tomi Nukarinen, Toni Pakkanen, and Prof. Veikko Surakka
Industrial partners with parallel projects
- Rightware Oy
- Siili Auto Oy
- Canatu Oy
- Nokia Technologies Oy
- Modulight Oy
- Visidon Oy
Industrial partners providing in-kind support
- TactoTek Oy
- Nokian Tyres Oyj
- Vaisala Oyj
- Pilkington Automotive Finland Oy
- BHTC Finland Oy
International collaboration
- University of California, Santa Barbara, CA, USA
- Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA
- Northern Michigan University, Marquette, MI, USA
Partner roles
MIVI work is implemented with a consortium consisting of industrial and academic partners. Hardware and software solutions and data are provided by industrial partners (i.e. Nokia Technologies, Rightware, Siili Solutions, TactoTek, Canatu, Pilkington, BHTC, Modulight, Visidon, and Vaisala). The developed technologies enable rich analysis of data flow from inside and outside of the car via artificial intelligence (AI) methods.
Tampere University (TAU), University of California Santa Barbara (UCSB) and Purdue University will actively participate in research and development of hardware technologies and software systems including AI. Human testing is done mostly in TAU based on consortium requirements. Some experiments will also be run at UCSB and Purdue University. In addition to laboratory experiments at universities Nokian Tyres will provide their test track for in-situ experimental research.